Call For Hungary Participants

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange | 8-18 May

Call for people from Hungary (both citizens and residents)
Erasmus+ Youth Exchanges

1st Youth Exchange (YE): 8-18 May
2nd Youth Exchange (YE): 20-28 May
*You can join one of them.

Place: Mönchkrchen, Austria

1st YE: Filled with media literacy workshops, fake news analysis, and intercultural communication activities, this event promises both learning and enjoyment.
2nd YE: The project will yield both intangible and tangible outcomes. Intangible results encompass the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that young people will develop throughout the project.

Age: 18-29, leader: 23-40
Leader: Motivated to initiate and take part in follow-up events at home country
1st YE: 3F + 2M (3 migrant + 3 Hungarian)
- 2 who experience geographical, economic barriers and barriers linked to discrimination are prioritized.

2nd YE: 3F + 2M + leader (3 migrant + 3 Hungarian)
- 2 who are performing any kind of art (singing, dancing, theater, painting, etc.)
- 1 Erasmus+ newcomer.
- 2 with fewer opportunities (cultural obstacles, economic obstacles, geographical obstacles, and others)
- Young people with migrant backgrounds, who arrived recently in Europe

​Accommodation: Blue Whale Education Center
3-4 people in one room, private toilets and bathrooms. Pianos, various musical instruments, swimming pool, sports equipment, & billiards are available.

Youth Exchanges


Participating Countries



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